For the Fourth of July holiday, we always head towards the cool mountains of Linville, NC, with Jay's family. Every year, there is a big golf cart parade, and lots of the families participate by dressing up a golf cart in red, white, and blue or some fun theme!
This year, we chose to do a Hawaiian themed cart-we threw out leis to the kids and dressed in grass skirts and hawaiian shirts.
Here's my awesome hubby, Jay, in his tropical / patriotic outfit! :)
And our nephew, Chandler, who was our ukelele strummer
Here's most of us, minus our other nephew, Cameron, and his girlfriend, Allie... they had wandered off to look at the vintage Rolls Royce leading the parade...
We got them in the next photo, but we lost Jay!
Here's Cameron and Allie, and their sweet doggie Salvador (but we call him Dali).
That afternoon, we headed up to the Camp at Linville for food and fireworks...and a few pictures beforehand...
And, of course, the fireworks.....